Boston Cares

About Boston Cares

Boston Cares partners with nonprofits and schools to expand their impact by mobilizing diverse people to collaboratively address our community’s critical needs. Founded in 1991, Boston Cares has mobilized people to provide over 1.3 million hours of service to the Greater Boston community addressing education and economic opportunity gaps, providing basic daily needs, connecting community members, and more. Our primary programs include our Hands At Work corporate engagement services providing customized project management for 60+ companies annually; our signature Calendar program engaging over 4000 individuals in flexible volunteer opportunities; and our Allies for Immigrants program providing English language tutors to immigrants. In 2022, we rolled out a new strategic plan focusing on impact, equity, and the role volunteerism can play in building strong, resilient communities.



July 2021 - August 2021 Boston, MA
“Different people that I meet. Helping others. flexible times.”
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