Environmental Health Student Employment Opportunity
The United States Navy Offers an Employment Opportunity for Students who are pursuing a career in Environmental Health through our Health Services Collegiate Program.
Students must be accepted to one of the following Graduate level Schools:
Council on Education for Public Health.
This specific program will Enlist all students as an Active Duty Service member of a paygrade of E6.
Current Base pay for an E6 for all branches of service is $3,135 a month.
You will also be eligible for an additional financial support. Active duty Servicemembers in this Program will receive Basic Allotment for Housing (BAH). Allotments are a non-taxable source of income.
BAH is dependent upon the Zip code of your school.
Additional coverage for full medical and dental care to include dependents.
Upon completion of your degree you will commission as and Officer in the United States Navy.
Application deadline is September 2024.